This past weekend we went to Prescott AZ, which is about 90 miles north of Phoenix. The Muirs have a condo up there, and the temp is usually about 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix, so its great to get up there. Its my favorite place ever! Funny story - while we were up there this weekend we saw a TON of cops go by while we were driving. It was really weird. Then later on the news we saw that a man on America's Top Ten Most Wanted list was arrested in Prescott, Arizona!! We picked a good weekend.
We found some great hikes. The next couple pics are of a ridge we hiked in between Prescott and Sedona. You can see the beautiful red rocks of Sedona in the distance. Hard to capture in photos, but it was beautiful.

The pics below were taken in Thumb Butte National Park, just east of Prescott. Not nearly as exciting, but nice to be out in the woods considering we live in a sea of concrete - Phoenix.