Well, here is the Fall flower update:) Please feel free to pass over this if you have no interest in flowers. This was my first real year at giving it a shot, so I thought I'd display my efforts. There are only a couple of you who might be interested in this....and you know who you are (i.e. John Dougoveto.... ;) )
Here is our back yard with the fountain in the background.

Dominic helps me prune.
Front Yard
Some of these were completely dead at one point. You could barely tell there was a plant there at one time, but miraculously they came back to life!
These are supposed to be my wave petunias...they sit on the pillars on either side of our driveway, being constantly beaten by the elements. They had some real rough patches this summer. Especially when it didn't rain for 2 weeks while we were out of time. I didn't they'd ever come back, but they did somewhat.... Next year I'll do something different in this spot.