Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Christmas Time & Arizona Trip

 Here we are are 3 Cedar Farms, a place we visit a lot in the Fall because of their cider and donuts, and play area for the kids.  This year we also visited during their Christmas time festivities.  Even though we were there in mid December, the weather was pretty nice for that time of the year.  The kids even got to play outside for quite a while.  They also had the opportunity to meet Mr. and Mrs. Clause (which they both turned down out of fear), pick out our Christmas tree, see lots of Christmas decorations,  and hear Christmas music, etc.  Very festive!

 My red flannel boys:)

John climbing on the wood train they have...its stationary.

 Shy little John actually wanted Walter to hold him! We thought it was so sweet!!  He didn't even want to come back to us when we'd ask him to!
 John helping me sew a blanket to put around the Christmas tree base.  We weren't able to really capture it, but everytime the machine went on, he'd get SO excited and start squealing and laughing.

 This is most of our homeschooling preschool group.  There are a couple kids missing, but you can get the idea! There are a LOT of boys running around!  All 5 and under!  This is snack time.

 Gathering around Dec 12th for Grandpa D's Birthday...we fed the kids then popped them in front of the TV screen for "Finding Nemo" so the adults could eat together. It was so cute seeing them all lined up!

 Happy Birthday Grandpa D (back in Dec!)...opening a chain saw sharpener.  What a perfect gift!

 All the grandkids, except Mary Rose, who was just recently born in November.
 Here is our trip to Arizona in December.  We celebrated Christmas a few days early so we could be with the Muir side of the fam.  Here we are at a railroad park.  The kids got to walk in a real, antique train.

 And best of all, they got to ride a real kid-sized train around the park.  The Weilands, of course, took great care of Dominic!!
 That's us + Weilands! Only 2 families there, but lots of kiddos!

 Cousin Ryan and Dominic

 More playground time with Weiland cousins.  Claire took such good care of John! 
 Here she is catching John on the slide. He LOVED it!!

 Going for a walk with Gram and Grandpa Muir at Papago Park.  The kids are playing on dirt piles while watching airplanes fly overhead.

 And of course feeding the ducks was a highlight!
Back to Michigan!! This was a big snow fall around Christmas that the kids loved!
 Christmas morning....the kids are wearing their new Spiderman PJs that their Grandma D gave them.  They love them! And firefighter hats from Santa.

 Dominic is opening up one of his favorite presents....a belt!:)  So now he always can dress just like his Dad does when he goes to work.
 What 2 little boys don't love flashlights!?
 And silly putty?...but now I know that Mom does NOT like silly putty.....Man, that stuff is tough to get out of the carpet, sheets, and favorite blankies!!

 Our front yard:)

 Pull-Sledding in our back yard.

 Dominic loved sitting on top of the snow bank.

Merry Christmas:).....Better late than never......

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wow! It's so nice to see so many pictures....they are all so cute! My favorite of all is the one of John standing in front of your garage with the shovel. Just darling! I have to look them all over again. Thanks for posting!