Saturday, June 6, 2009

Couches and Pizza

Just a couple of updates. We decided to purchase a new sofa and loveseat because our current set was really falling apart. Here are the before and after photos. We like them a lot because they are a good contrast to the dark wood floors and they really brighten the place up. (the first picture is dark so its hard to see the before, but you get the idea)

Mary Ellen is working today so I decided to try making pizza, although this time I went for the Chicago style deep dish. Its a lot easier to make because you don't need really high heat to cook it. It actually turn out really well. I will definitely be making this often. I used a spring foam pan and you push the dough around, kind of like a pie.

First a thick layer of mozzarella, then I added pepperoni, green peppers, and olives

Close up shot

Then a layer of crushed tomatoes, topped with basil and parmesan cheese

Here is the final product!

Easy recipe and great pizza, let me know if you want the recipe!


The Condits said...

Your living room looks beautiful, Joe! And the pizza looks awesome... we will definitely try it out. :)

Unknown said...

Hey Buddy!
The pizza looks fantastic. Reminds me of our time in Chicago. Your place looks great too! You and Mary Ellen are doing one hell of a job down there in Arizona, if I do say so my self.

mom said...

Wow! You certainly have good taste. What a difference it makes.
Are you still getting a rug?