Friday, August 7, 2009

Wedding Week

Mary Ellen and I haven't been taking pictures lately cause we lent our photo stuff to a friend who took a trip to Africa. So here are a few pics from the week we were in Michigan for Walter and Kims wedding! The last picture is of the Rim in Payson AZ!

Here's Walter hanging out with his Godson!
Jonah posing for the camera!

Here is Maria trying to play corn toss. She's pretty good
actually. This throw almost made it to the other board.

Here Dad and I are playing a game of corn toss with
Andrea and Angela.

Here is Andrea and Angela. Angela is trying to count
all the points I've made. Not an easy task....
Here is a picture on the Rim in Payson AZ. One of our favorite places in AZ!


Unknown said...

Nice pictures! Will you have your camera back when the little stud muffin arrives?

The Condits said...

Nice pics. Nice pics. Dad said Maria practiced corn toss at home last week, and now she can get about half of them all the way to the other board.