Here are the last 2 videos of Dominic opening his birthday presents. The 3rd video is of Dominic wearing the winter coat his Aunts Angela and Andrea got him. As soon as we put it on him, he just wanted to walk everywhere by himself. And then he decides to take a little breather on the coat. Another video shows you how much Dominic loves the dustbuster. When I turn it off, he cries!
Oh, man! That looks so good! Get it over here, Mama!
Oh boy, it's actually coming my way....maybe if I sit real still she'll give me a bite.... First bite of cake! No way! You guys have been holding out on me! This is seriously yummy.This is just too good.
Yes! Now I have the whole piece in my hands!
I'm a pretty happy Birthday boy!
We're so happy to be your parents, little Dominic! Happy 1st Birthday!
Here are some pictures we took a week ago of Dominic after he ate chili....we had some good laughs watching him! :)
This is my absolute favorite video lately. This was taken just last night when Joe was reading to Dominic before bedtime. We've learned it works a lot better if we read to him on the ground rather than forcing him to stay in our laps. You can see just how cuddly Dominic is, especially with his Dad! He's been a Daddy's boy lately, which is just so sweet.
Just some short clips of Dominic starting to walk. They aren't his best ones, but you know you can never capture those on video anyway! And also, a video showing how much Dominic loves to cuddle with blankets.
We biked towards Burlington today, and stopped for a picture over the Bridge....which is over the mouth of the Winooski River, which empties into the Lake, which you see here. Dominic is still loving bike rides!
Here is part of the path with the bridge in the distance.
We stopped at an old one-room schoolhouse along the route, that was used in 1927. Dominic might be a little too young yet, but it was fun to sit him in the little seat!
We had one of our favorite VT meals tonight....Bove's! The best spaghetti anywhere! And I think Dominic would agree!
While Gram was cleaning the ground under Dominic, he started to pat her head with both hands...and then when she put her head up, he proceeded to bump up his forehead against of his favorite pasttimes with his grandparents here.
Dominic's left eye was a little swollen this morning (he probably slept on it), so he has a little bit of a lazy eye....:)
I love eating!!!
We biked a total of 4 miles today with Dominic! We biked out on the causeway, which goes across the lake. Dominic absolutely loved it. He hummed for part of the way, listening to his voice going up and down as we biked over the rocky path. It was a blast to be able to do that with him. I just wish his Dad was here to see it!
It was pretty warm here today, so he spent some time playing in just his diaper.
Dominic loved the beach today! And sitting on grandpa's lap!
I've gotta figure out this shovel!
Mom, do you want it?
Finally happy in the sand!
After our swim. He loved it when I'd throw him up in the air and let his legs hit the water. Lots of giggles!
And what tastes better than sticks?!
By the end of the day, Dominic was initiating walking around the beach....and then he even had us walk right into the water and walked out to the level of his belly. He loved it!
We went to the Vermont state fair today! Dominic LOVED looking at all there was to see.
Dominic with Gram and Grandpa
This guy scared Dominic after a minute by putting his huge hand on Dominic. He started to cry....
Old McDonald's Farm! Lots of minature animals for Dominic to see....
Dominic looking up at the hatching chicks!
Baby chicks
Black swans
See the HUGE pig? And the piglets nearby?
Miniature horse....Dominic liked him!
When the horse got close to Dominic, he get a little leery.... :)
More miniature horses
Lunchtime! He's been downing ritz crackers like it's his job.
Our little peanut:)
He loves to feed me now.
He got a lick of my maple creamie.
Time for BIKE RIDE with D!
Grandpa, Mama, and Dominic riding in the park. Dominic absolutely loved it. He liked patting my back, and making noises with his mouth....and of course, taking in the scenery!
Dominic loved watching Grandpa during the bike ride.
Still looking at Grandpa
Playtime on the porch. We spend a lot of time here.