Friday, September 3, 2010

Liking the beach

Dominic's left eye was a little swollen this morning (he probably slept on it), so he has a little bit of a lazy eye....:)

I love eating!!!

We biked a total of 4 miles today with Dominic! We biked out on the causeway, which goes across the lake. Dominic absolutely loved it. He hummed for part of the way, listening to his voice going up and down as we biked over the rocky path. It was a blast to be able to do that with him. I just wish his Dad was here to see it!

It was pretty warm here today, so he spent some time playing in just his diaper.

Dominic loved the beach today! And sitting on grandpa's lap!

I've gotta figure out this shovel!

Mom, do you want it?

Finally happy in the sand!

After our swim. He loved it when I'd throw him up in the air and let his legs hit the water. Lots of giggles!

And what tastes better than sticks?!

By the end of the day, Dominic was initiating walking around the beach....and then he even had us walk right into the water and walked out to the level of his belly. He loved it!
I miss you Dad!!!!! Love, Dominic Joseph :)

1 comment:

Marlee said...

I love his expression on the bike! so happy, very fun!!!!!