Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Brother time and Baby John

Dominic often insists that I put a blanket down on the ground for the "bebe" and then he lays down with his bear and asks me to put a blanket over all of them. So cute.

He loves using the baby bjorn too, especially during the times that I'm holding John in a sling.

He still loves kissing his baby brother.

The outfits that John is wearing in these next few pictures are from Joe's Mom. I think they are the outfits that Joe wore as a baby...they are just so precious.


Unknown said...

Wow. Gorgeous pictures. I loved the pictures of the two of them under the blanket!

Angela said...

John is still such a little peanut. I can't believe how much he looks like Joe sometimes. So cute to see Dominic and John together! :)