Sunday, June 12, 2011

Flowers in the Fountain and Mama Deer w/ Fawn

Another spotting of our little backyard fawn and her mama. We've seen them 4 times now!

Here is our remodeling of the fountain. Painted it and added some flowers! I hope I can keep them alive. I included some pics of the hedges for those of you who saw them before they were clipped.....a transformation!!!

I'm not sure if this will work, but here is a link to where you can see what the fountain looked like before....

I love our flowers! haha...

Our garden is back there on the left....Onions, lettuce, tomatoes, basil, rosemary, watermelon, zucchini, strawberries, cucumbers, green beans!!!

We were just gifted with some play structures from a friend...she gave us 3, and we have 2 up so far. You can see one of the on the right. They are the perfect size for Dominic, and he just loves the slides on them!! Also, notice we ripped out the nasty rock garden on the porch. Joe is going to put cement into tonight, and then we'll cover it with a rug or something....The chipmunks are going to be sad, because they were traveling on and off the porch through a hole in the dirt in there. icky! (And more hedges along the porch here)

One final shot....:)


mom said...

What a place it has turned out to be...looks like a gorgeous park! Love the flowers and guys are really making this a lovely home.

Unknown said...

Lookin' real good, guys! When's the first family kick the can game? Or keep-away? Or badminton? We have to get some good use out of that huge yard!!! :)

hosiewosie said...

Mary Ellen- it's beautiful! It's paradise, when can we move in?