Friday, June 3, 2011

Park Days

All these photos were taken about 3-4 weeks ago. Some were taken at a park in walking distance from us (or at least it was before we moved), and others were taken at a farm a few miles away that is open to the public. We also have some good ones of little Daniel. Unfortunately some are a little blurry, but we couldn't resist putting them in because he's such a cutie.

Playing copycat at the farm

This is taken at that park nearby. Joe using his cool wide angle lense.

Signing "more...."

This has got to have a cool caption...I just can't think of one...maybe you can!

Two John Dougovetos!

Kisses for Daniel

We love visits from Howard and Angela!

Little John

Nothing more fun than trying to squeeze into one of those diaper boxes.

That's all for now. Sorry I'm always late....but to be honest, that's probably not going to change any time soon:)


Unknown said...

Nice pics. Love the outside ones of Dominic!

Angela said...

I'm just catching up with the blogs today. The pictures you've taken of the kids are just beautiful! I love the ones in the park!