Thursday, March 18, 2010

Time to Rest

1st video is of Joe reading to Dominic before his nap. He doesn't quite get the "story" part yet, but does enjoy the cardboard aspect of the book. 2nd video was after Mary Ellen had an afternoon nap one day while Joe watched Dominic. Joe brought Dominic in at the end, and he just cuddled right up. As you can see, his eyes are wide open. This is a pretty rare occurrence.....usually if he is awake, he wants to get and move around, not cuddle with his mother!! We found it very endearing. The 3rd video is of Dominic in his usual state these days (and Joe being the wonderful father that he is;) )


Andrea said...

Dominic just makes the cutest noises! I love the video of him cuddling with you, Mary Ellen. How precious!

Unknown said...

Great job Joe and grabbing the camera for that precious moment of Dominic and Mom! So great to have that memory on video! So precious!

Angela said...

That is so sweet how he cuddled up with you, Mary Ellen. And I smiled through the entire third video! Thanks for posting them.